There’s a lot that goes into planning an action. The action planning checklist below walks you through all the issues to consider. As well as the planning required before your activity, there’s a number of things to do after the action has been completed.
Some additional checklists are available here and here
Here’s a checklist to help with your action planning!
- Set goals
- Get training – see this checklist for training and our training page
- Fundraising
- Research/info gathering
- Scouting
- Create affinity group and assign roles
- Media – establish relationships, press release
- Legal support plan
- Action plan (with a few Plan B’s, just in case)
- Messaging
- Props/gear/costume
- Outreach for participants and support people
During Action:
- Transportation – things, people
- Provisions – food, medical, clothes, blankets, etc
- Process/communication (internal)
- Look out/communication (external)
- Legal support roles
- Documentation – notes, photos, video
- Public liaisoning – flyers, banners
- Media – press calls, press release, update
- Stage director
- Police liaison
- Legal and jail support – all the way through court!
- Collect documentation
- Report back/debrief/next steps
- Post press-release with info on action
- Collect news coverage
- Write articles/blogs
- Get gear back – from friends, cops
- Write info learned on how to do the action – any details others need to know
- Update website
- Media – sell them the story, send them photos
- Celebrate!