![Gosford Anglican Church sign reads "If you don't want kids to protest don't teach science"](https://counteract.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/father-rod-climate-kids-1024x768.jpg)
When talking about climate justice issues, mainstream organisations and environment groups provide resources with facts and stats about climate. These can be useful, but it’s also important to note that people tend to relate more to emotional stories than facts.
Very little information is specifically focused on the issue of climate JUSTICE, or how marginalised groups may be impacted. It’s useful to have accurate information, however, so here are some resources to start with.
Useful Guides and Fact Sheets
- School Strike for Climate Bushfire crisis – conversation & action guide (Dec 2019)
- Uniting Earth Bushfire Crisis Q&A PDF compiled in Jan 2020
- Climate Council
- Doctors for the Environment Fact sheets on health and climate
- “I’m worried about the climate – what can I do” Google document
- The Womens Global Call for Climate Justice Action Tool Kit (PDF; slightly dated)
Organisations that work on Climate Justice in Australia
- Climate Justice Union – based in Western Australia
- Seed – Australia’s first Indigenous youth climate networks
- Oxfam – Food and climate justice & Gender justice
- Action aid – Climate Justice page and Gender Responsive Alternatives for Climate Change
- Psychology for a Safe Climate