We are taking a huge leap and supporting civil disobedience
We are feeling the fear and doing it anyway! We are flying free from charity status as of this week… we want to support civil disobedience and all types of …
News and resources relating to social justice activism in Australia
We are feeling the fear and doing it anyway! We are flying free from charity status as of this week… we want to support civil disobedience and all types of …
This isn’t just a dramatic headline. We wish it was. No, in actual fact it is referring to penalties that citizens could be faced with for nonviolent actions of peaceful …
“We can not stop the struggle; we can not stop looking for a dignified life for all” We got a phone call ten days ago whilst presenting at a conference …
Guest Blog by Phil Evans – originally published on Shouting For Deliverance War!! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! So why would we, as renowned author and founder of …
It’s a bit of a concern when one of the earliest vocal advocates for privacy around the Census is “Australia’s most beloved cartoonist” First Dog on the Moon. Whilst we have …
Our round up of resources, groups and training to get involved in, pathways to action and suggestions for affinity group organising to get in the way, to #LetThemStay It is …
It’s a challenging process to write a submission for a parliamentary inquiry that seems so likely have a forgone conclusion. The committee that is examining the tax deductible status and …
It has been a year or more in the making but it is great to finally be live – We are very excited to launch CounterAct, a project to support …
Make your actions count! CounterAct was conceived during work for the Broome community defending the Kimberley back in 2011. We launched in 2012 to support communities in taking effective, creative, …